Greenfield Engineering have now embarked on lean manufacturing throughout the company.
The strategy was to first train all Directors and Senior Managers on the key principles of understanding the methodology of lean manufacturing. Then rolling out the training and introducing it to the entire workforce.
Greenfield next planned step to the lean journey was the introduction of a visual workplace with visual management and controls. This was achieved by using of the 5S audit process. The whole workforce were involved in both 8 forms of waste and 5S awareness training and mini kaizen events were set up in each area of the company.
This training program was fully supported by several of our major customers, one in particular using their own (HMPS) team with invaluable on-site training & mentoring. Also pointed out to all the company where the positive gains for everyone in the Greenfield manufacturing environment. Which has only reinforced the ongoing commitment from all the team at Greenfield to the lean philosophy.
All the team members have now been trained to carry out 5S audits, which have been implemented. This encourages and generates all improvement ideas we are seeing around the business already happening on a regular basis. Greenfields aim of continuous improvements becoming the norm has already started with an incredible impact on customers, suppliers & staff. Many thanks to all at Greenfield in making this journey together possible. Simon Walker