A key part of Greenfield’s 14001 environmental commitment is the continued reduction year on year of wasted energy. The decision to replace the old inefficient high bay lights in the fabrication department with state-of-the-art LED fittings. The immediate noticeable benefit has been the working area has a much cleaner light being emitted from the new units. The fabrication team have commented how nice the light is, benefiting them by improving the workplace environment. Electricity consumption has dropped from twenty units at 300W per unit to just eight units at 146W for the new Tam HILUX LED luminaries.
With the factory lights switched on for approximately 16 hours a day, Monday to Friday, with some weekend working, the new lighting system will save an estimated 24,000 kWh of electricity a year, giving a payback period on the investment of less the two years. Meanwhile, the environmental benefits include the savings of 12 tonnes of CO2 per year.

This is the first area to benefit from the improved modernised lighting and plans are in place to roll out further installations across the factory starting with the canteen and office areas.

Tony Marlow Maintenance Manager