Greenfield Engineering’s HNC apprentice James McCann was awarded the prestigious 3rd year mechanical engineering apprentice of the year award at the 2016 Group Training & Development prize giving event held at the Barnstaple Hotel. The awards are an annual celebration of outstanding engineering excellence for apprentices who have demonstrated high academic results and commitment to their practical work place development. James’ contribution to the business has increased into the final year of his training with him now involved with mentoring 1st year students through the early stages of their engineering development. James said: “I am both delighted and surprised to have received this award. My apprenticeship with Greenfield has given me the opportunity to work on some very interesting projects and I look forward to further developing within the business.”

For us this represents the ethos of modern apprenticeships. James has gained real high quality practical-based engineering skills, supplemented with additional college based technical education and training”. Simon Walker Production Manager