Tom Underwood scooped 2nd year “2017” mechanical engineering apprentice of the year at the Petroc skills awards ceremony that was held at the Park Hotel in Barnstaple on the 14th September. As the winner for his year group the award is in recognition to Tom’s outstanding hard work and dedication over the years course. The same dedication is shining through with his work ethic and in his engineering skills which are developing at an extremely impressive rate. Greenfield are proud and pleased to see yet another young engineer get rewarded for his passion and commitment.
Tom said: “This is an incredible honour, I literally had to pick myself up off the floor when I received the letter in the post” . I started my Apprenticeship at Greenfield three years ago having left school with very average grades. But since starting collage and working in an engineering environment I’ve enjoyed every minute of my experience here. With the skills I’ve gained in house as well as my qualifications I really believe I have put myself in a great position to further develop my engineering career at Greenfield. I would recommend to anyone looking at apprenticeships to be enthusiastic, enjoy what you do and you will succeed.”
“We are very pleased and impressed with Tom’s enthusiasm at work, and his award clearly demonstrates that anyone with a real dedication to an engineering career will make excellent progress at Greenfield. When Tom arrived with us he wasn’t confident at all in his own abilities. 3 years later however he now has all the right accolades to be a top class engineer.” Simon Walker Operations Director.