Curry and a few beers!

Returning after the success of the last staff organised social event. The team decided to have a Friday night curry evening at the Mirchi Bangladeshi restaurant Bude.  Relaxing over delicious traditional freshly prepared classic dishes like Tandoori, Biryani, Tikka curries that made your mouth water. The Greenfield team had an informal evening chatting relaxing and catching up in a social atmosphere.

“It was a great evening a good laugh with all the lads we must do it again.”

Kerris Pass (HR Advisor) said: It’s easy for everyone to bond over a plate of food, and here at Greenfield Engineering we believe that strong social connections make people happier and physically healthier, which can translate into work performance. Employers who support social connections in the workplace and help employees form strong relationships with one another help build a successful workforce.