Greenfield’s continued drive to keep ahead of production demands across its two sites is the key reason behind their latest investment. Knowing the correct technology that will fit right into their existing manufacturing environment, made the decision to add a third HG 1003 ATC pressbrake easy. Greenfield’s impressive portfolio of Amada folding machines now boasts of three HG1003 ATC pressbrakes alongside manual pressbrakes.
When you’re about to start a new component, the manipulators return any tooling from a previous part back to the storage rack. It will then retrieve the required tooling and position both punch and dies in the precise locations in minutes which gives the operator time to locate the materials and technical information with minimal downtime.
“The automated tool changer doesn’t solve 100 percent of folding requirements, but it helps in most cases where we get inevitable issue such as, available skilled manpower, WIP floor space, machine downtime, and the most important being the sheer volume of throughput to a conventional pressbrake. You need to keep pace with the ever-increasing speeds of the latest fibre and punching.”
Gary Burnard Managing Director added. “If you combine workflow together with the speed of component changeover times, it really starts to make more sense to spend the additional outlay for your machine to have the flexibility of automated tooling setups.”