Greenfield has made the decision to upgrade its metal pre-treatment and powder coating lines with a greener, non-phosphate cleaning chemical, and from this month we will have replaced r-phos 707 and replaced it with decorrdal 923. This decision was taken after trials on various batches of material. This chemical was selected, because of its optimum performance as a multi-metal cleaner coater. Its more sustainable and environmentally friendly way makes it a less harmful process, but still retains a high degree of efficiency within the powder coating application. The New pre-treatment chemical is cleaner and can be applied at a lower temperature and will also use lower energy consumption through the online washing stations. The technical support and chemicals are supplied by Kluthe Group (H3P Technologies)
Lee Harris, Production Manager, added: “Discharging our Phosphate even in small amounts after being neutralised directly into the water system is something that we don’t want to continue. As consequences of human activity high levels of phosphate from agricultural fertiliser run-offs and effluent from sewage treatment works two of the largest sources have been linked to algae blooms which damage the local aquatic ecosystems and impact on biodiversity and the water quality. Greenfield’s goal is to have a sustainable approach to protecting our environment.”