As David Chidley wraps up more than five decades of work in the Engineering Industry, 26 of which were at Greenfield. David will look back on his many accomplishments with an immense sense of pride. Those who have worked with David will always be grateful for his technical expertise and dedication plus is incredible attitude for sharing his vast levels of knowledge and experience.

Early in his career, he was a young engineer solely responsible for the finishing area of a tool storage company which in turn was always running tight lead time projects, mostly for export from the UK.

That path eventually led to him joining Greenfield Engineering back in 1998 returning to work alongside several old colleagues. Twenty-Six years of loyal service followed. He managed the growing powder coating line and assembly teams and as the business grew, he transformed and implemented many manufacturing and operational processes and successfully trained many employees.

As the second powder coating line was installed at the company back in 2010, David stepped back from the operational management of the powder coating plant day to day and took the role of mentoring the young staff training them all things powder coating across different shifts and sites.

In the last few years David has moved across to support the assembly teams. With so much technical expertise and product knowledge, he retained all his enthusiasm and passion for delivering the customer’s exceptional service. David feels this is the right time to hang up his engineering boots and enjoy his retirement. He plans to spend more time with the family and enjoy the cycling network and trails in and around North Cornwall.

Simon Walker. Operations Director said, “I know Dave will take advantage of all the new opportunities that are out there once he has retired. It is perfect timing for Dave to enjoy new life experiences and make new memories that we all know are priceless. I personally wish Dave a fantastic retirement and I hope he pops in from time to time to update me and the team on what’s happening”.

“We owe Dave a special debt of gratitude for his service to Greenfield for all these years,” Frank Green stated. “Dave can retire knowing that he made a big difference as part of the team that helped grow Greenfield to where it is today, and his DNA will always be embedded in the company”.