+44 (0)1409 254400




We hold many accreditation’s. These accreditation’s show our customers and suppliers Greenfields commitment to our operational processes.

Certificates are available in a downloadable PDF format here. For more detailed or technical information about any of our certificates, please get in touch.

ISO 9001_URS

ISO 9001:2015

Certification of this standard is intended for all fields of business. ISO 9001 is an international business standard that specifies criteria for documentation, implementation and certification of the management quality system.

ISO 14001_URS

ISO 14001:2015

Certification is concerned with environmental protection and is applicable to all areas of business. It demonstrates control of an organisation’s environmental management system and promotes corporate environmental responsibility.


ISO 45001:2018

Certification results in optimal performance of an organisation’s health and safety system by addressing issues such as injury prevention and defining clear employee responsibilities.


Powder Coating Approved Applicator

On top of our ISO accreditation’s Greenfield is an approved Applicator of powder paint for Jotun Powder Coatings. This shows our customers Greenfields commitment to the process and application control around both our powder plants.

Zero Waste To Landfill

With our commitment towards our environment Greenfields operational agenda we have worked in partnership with SWM & Waste Recycling to become an accredited “Zero Waste To Landfill” company, managing the complete elimination of previous waste stream activities from our sites.

AkzoNobel’s “Extra Life”

Powder Coating “Extra Life”

As well as an approved applicator for Jotun Powder coatings, Greenfield is accredited with AkzoNobel’s “Extra Life” powder coating systems. This again shows our customers Greenfields further commitment to the process and application control around both our powder plants.

Environment agency waste carrier license

Greenfield are now registered with an official waste carriers license. Linked with our ISO14001:2015 accreditation it shows our commitment to operate in a responsible, environmentally respectful and safe manner when transporting waste.


Greenfield has been awarded a bronze medal for April 2024-2025. This result places Greenfield among the top 35% percent of companies assessed by Ecovadis in the past 12 months (65+ percentile).

Current Vacancies


Our workforce is our greatest asset and we understand that our future growth is determined by the technical skill and passion of our employees. When we’re tackling complex projects we need employees who have the skills for us to deliver engineering solutions.

Overview of Greenfield


Greenfield has been producing sheetmetal components since 1989. Read about how it all started from a small unit in Bradworthy, Devon with hand driven tools to today where we now have 2 sites, each at over 20,000 sqft and are market leaders in automation.



We hold many accreditation’s. These accreditation’s show our customers and suppliers Greenfields commitment to our operational processes. Certificates are available in a downloadable PDF format here

Frank & Michelle Green


Greenfield’s strong engineering core has continued to develop and expand over the years to now having an industry reputation for producing high quality precision sheet metal components and assemblies for any market place.