In our drive to continually improve the service we provide for you our customer, we are asking you if you could spare a few minutes to complete this survey below online. Alternatively you can download a PDF version and either email it to marketing@greenfieldengineering.co.uk or post it back to us.
Please note all comments will be greatly appreciated and treated as strictly confidential.
Please score all questions from Very Poor (0) to Excellent (10).
Our workforce is our greatest asset and we understand that our future growth is determined by the technical skill and passion of our employees. When we’re tackling complex projects we need employees who have the skills for us to deliver engineering solutions.
Greenfield has been producing sheetmetal components since 1989. Read about how it all started from a small unit in Bradworthy, Devon with hand driven tools to today where we now have 2 sites, each at over 20,000 sqft and are market leaders in automation.
Greenfield’s strong engineering core has continued to develop and expand over the years to now having an industry reputation for producing high quality precision sheet metal components and assemblies for any market place.